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Attention! Note on the upgrade!

1. When do I need to upgrade my mod?

Once there is a bug, we will post a firmware which can fix the problem on our website. But here is a confusion, most people can't correctly determine whether a failure is caused by a software bug or a hardware failure. 

So just recognize this: When your device has something wrong, and you can find the firmware of your device model on our website, then you can try to upgrade your device. 

2. Do I need to upgrade my mod when I find there is a firmware of my device model on the website?

Actually not. Once the upgrade software is released, we will also use the latest version of the software on subsequent shipments. Which means there are just part of devices need  to be upgarded.

So just recognize this: Only when your device has something wrong, then you can try to update your device.

3. Can I use the firmware of different model to upgrade my device?

Please don't do this! Your device will die! Even use G-Priv fireware to update G-Priv 2, or use RHA 220W to update Alien.

4. How can I get original firmware, or past upgrade firmware?

Please contact Customer Service Team : support@smoktech.com